トヨタハイエースは1967年の誕生以来、日本をはじめアジア、中近東、オセアニア、アフリカ、中南米など世界の国々で使用され、高い信頼性と広い室内・優れた使用性が評価されてきた伝統的ワンボックスカー。乗用ユースの「ハイエースワゴン」は大型化され、全幅1880mmの3ナンバーワイドボディ(10人乗り)のみ、後席ドアは助手席側スライドドアをもつ。2700cc直列4気筒DOHC VVT‐iガソリンエンジン+インパネに配置したシフトゲート式6速ATが組み合わされる。
- メーカー・車種
- Toyota トヨタ HIACE(ハイエース)H200
- 型式
- H200
- 全長×全幅×全高
- 4840×1880×2105mm
- ホイールベース
- 2570mm
- トレッド前/後
- 1655/1650mm
- 車両タイプ
- ■5ドア ミニバン・ワンボックス
- ディレクトリ名
- o&s_toyota_hiace
- 種類
- Toyota 直列4気筒DOHC
- エンジン型式
- 2TR-FE
- 総排気量
- 2693 cc
- 過給機
- シングルターボ
- レブリミット
- 9000rpm
- 駆動方式
- FR
- トランスミッション
- 6速
- 最高出力 (馬力)
- 400 bhp (406 PS)
- 最大トルク
- 450 Nm
- 最高速度
- 310 km/h オーバー
- 加速性能
- <4.0s 0-100km/h
- 車両重量
- 1382 kg
- パワーウェイトレシオ馬力重量
- 3.46 kg/hp
- Author(制作者)
The fifth generation HiAce became available for sale in late 2004 as a wide long-wheelbase wagon, wide super-long-wheelbase high-roof "Grand Cabin", long-wheelbase van, long-wheelbase high-roof van and a wide super-long-wheelbase high-roof van. In this generation of the HiAce, the gear lever has been moved to the dashboard to enable easier movement in the cabin. Transmission choices range from a five-speed manual and four-speed automatic.
Most models use a four-cylinder DOHC engine, in a variety of forms, a 1TR-FE 2000 cc or 2TR-FE 2700 cc petrol engine, or a 2KD-FTV 2500 cc or 1KD-FTV 3,000 cc D-4D turbodiesel engine. Two of these engines are available in Malaysia, the 2.5 L turbodiesel, offered in a choice of panel van or window van; and the 2.7 L petrol, that comes only in the window van option. At least some general export market HiAces are powered by the 5L-E 3000 cc diesel engine.
In Japan, Toyota's internet-enhanced GPS and vehicle telematics service called G-Book was made available as an option on all trim packages for both private and commercial uses.
The fifth generation HiAce was launched in the Philippines on 13 June 2005, with D-4D variants; The 15-seater Commuter and the 13-seater GL Grandia, both with manual transmission. In March 2006, the new top-of-the-line 11-Seater HiAce Super Grandia was launched, being the first ever HiAce in the Philippines with a standard automatic transmission. In 2015, the 10-seater Super Grandia LXV was added in lineup, based on the GL Grandia trim, the LXV was the leading automatic transmission and has receives 15-inch alloy wheels, updated rear seats, higher roof (campervan) and a high end audio system, The GL Grandia and Super Grandia LXV variants were sold until April 2019 and the Super Grandia variant was sold until August 2019. As of January 2020, the HiAce Commuter is being still sold in the Philippines. All variants (except Commuter variant) were replaced by the sixth generation HiAce.
The 2.5 and subsequent 3.0-litre turbodiesel KD engines have a maximum power output of 80 kW (109 PS; 107 hp) at 3400 rpm and 106 kW (144 PS; 142 hp) at 3400 rpm and maximum torque of 260 N⋅m (192 lb⋅ft) at 1600–2600 rpm and 300 N⋅m (221 lb⋅ft) at 1200–3200 rpm respectively.[72][73] The 2.0 L and 2.7 L TR petrol engines have a maximum output of 100 kW (136 PS; 134 hp) at 5600 rpm and 118 kW (160 PS; 158 hp) at 5200 rpm respectively and a maximum torque of 182 N⋅m (134 lb⋅ft) and 243 N⋅m (179 lb⋅ft); both being achieved at 4000 rpm. In November 2017, the Japanese market Hiace Van and RegiusAce came fitted with the 2.8 L 1GD-FTV engine mated to a 6-speed automatic transmission generating a power output of 111 kW (151 PS; 149 hp) at 3600 rpm and 300 N⋅m (221 lb⋅ft) of torque from 1000 to 3400 rpm. This supplanted the 1KD-FTV.[74]
On Japan's list of the most commonly stolen vehicles, as of November 2008, the HiAce resides in the first place. Because of a lack of a theft immobilizer, it is fairly easy to steal a HiAce, as opposed to much more valuable SUVs and sports cars, which have more sophisticated theft deterrent systems.[75]
As of September 2019, the H200 series is still being sold in Japan and in the Philippines as the Commuter variant only, even though the H300 series has been released in other countries.[76]
- MODファイル名
- ダウンロード
- o&s_toyota_hiace.rar
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