マクラーレン・M6B GT スペシャル | MCLAREN M6 GT

2022年12月3日マクラーレン コンセプト・特殊車両Mod紹介動画,MR



5.7L (350ci) V8 16v 370bhp/5800 502Nm/4000
800kg (curb) 5-speed manual 290km/h

GT Special:
6.5L (396ci) V8 16v 508bhp/6500 653Nm/4500
820kg (curb) 5-speed manual 315+km/h


  • メーカー・車種
  • McLaren マクラーレン・M6B GT Special
  • 型式
  • 全長×全幅×全高
  • 3937×1727×787mm
  • ホイールベース
  • 2375mm
  • トレッド前/後
  • 1321/1321mm
  • 車両タイプ
  • ■2ドア クーペ 
  • ディレクトリ名
  • mclaren_m6_gt


  • 種類
  • V型8気筒DOHC16バルブ
  • エンジン型式
  • 総排気量
  • 6489 cc
  • 過給機
  • NA(自然吸気)
  • レブリミット
  • 5900rpm


  • 駆動方式
  • MR
  • トランスミッション
  • 5速
  • 最高出力 (馬力)
  • 370 bhp (375 PS)
  • 最大トルク
  • 502 Nm
  • 最高速度
  • N/A
  • 加速性能
  • N/A
  • 車両重量
  • 800 kg
  • パワーウェイトレシオ馬力重量
  • 2.16 kg/hp


  • Author(制作者)
  • Uncle M

A road car bearing the name “McLaren” was an ambition that became a five-year off and on project, that was to be achieved once the company was well under way. The first inkling that Bruce McLaren indeed had the more sporting motorist in mind appeared in the racing press in the mid-1968, when it was rumoured that consideration was being given to the homologation of a coupe version of the McLaren-Elva sports racing car to compete with the Lola T70 in Group 4. The M6A had proven eminently successful in the Can-Am Series, so what better test-bed by which to assess the merits of the venture than the production-line M6B? The Kiwi maestro had fond hopes of thrashing it out with Porsche, Ferrari, and Alfa, on the circuits of Europe, and, besides, what was wrong with importing the old American “win-on-Sunday-sell-on-Monday” philosophy? It was some time before his dream was to become a reality. Revised rules for the F1A Group 5 World Championship for Makes had been altered to require a minimum of 50 identical models before homologation. And they had to be complete cars, unlike McLaren’s plans for the M6BGT which left the engine option to the customer. The longed-for homologation papers were, therefore, never to materialise, and the project started to die a slow death.

Later Developments

Early in 1970, however, McLaren had a prototype prepared using one of 50 all-enveloping bodies (which had been delivered for homologation purposes) to surround a stock M6B chassis. It soon became his favourite project, and, amid speculation over an unusual vehicle making a hash of traffic in and around Walton-on-Thames, Trojan Cars released the news that they had in fact cobbled up a road-trimmed version “for evaluation purposes, as it is possible that Trojan may market a road-going version of the M6BGT”.

In his book, McLaren! The Man, The Cars & The Team, Eoin Young reveals McLaren’s thoughts at the time: “Building his own road car was a project that had interested Bruce as an ambition to be achieved when the company was well under way with the racing programme”.

But such high hopes soon gave way to disaster when the personable New Zealander met his tragic and untimely end on June 2 while testing the new model M8D Can-Am car at Goodwood.


  • MODファイル名
  • ダウンロード
  • 1969_mclaren_m6b_gt_s_v1.1.zip


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