デロリアン DMC-12 バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー 3rd Gen | DMC DeLorean Back to The Future 3rd Gen
デロリアン DMC-12 バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー タイムマシン仕様 第3世代
- メーカー・車種
- DMC デロリアン DMC-12
- 型式
- DMC-12
- 全長×全幅×全高
- 4267×1988×1140mm
- ホイールベース
- 2408mm
- トレッド前/後
- -/-mm
- 車両タイプ
- ■2ドア クーペ
- ディレクトリ名
- mclk_dmc12_bttf4
- 種類
- エンジン型式
- –
- 総排気量
- 2849 cc
- 過給機
- NA(自然吸気)
- レブリミット
- 7250rpm
- 駆動方式
- RR
- トランスミッション
- 5速
- 最高出力 (馬力)
- 120 bhp (122 PS)
- 最大トルク
- 207 Nm
- 最高速度
- 88 mph (142 km/h )
- 加速性能
- 9.6s 0-60
- 車両重量
- 1230 kg
- パワーウェイトレシオ馬力重量
- 10.25 kg/hp
- Author(制作者)
- Chivas AutoArt
Several special-edition DeLorean cars have been produced over the years, and the car is most notably featured as the time machine in the Back to the Future film trilogy. Six DeLorean chassis were used during the production, along with one manufactured out of fiberglass for scenes where a full-size DeLorean was needed to "fly" on-screen; only three of the cars still exist, with one that was destroyed at the end of Back to the Future Part III, two additional were abandoned, and the fiberglass replica was scrapped. Universal Studios owns two of the remaining cars, occasionally putting them on display or using them for other productions, and the last resides in a private collection after having been extensively restored. The official Back to the Future DeLorean can be viewed at the Petersen Automotive Museum.
A number of production DeLoreans have been modified by the aftermarket into Back to the Future time machine replicas, whose bodies and interiors are modified to mirror the appearance and functions of the film cars.
The DeLorean reportedly had a top speed of 130 MPH, but the speedometer only went to 85 MPH due to regulations implemented by the government but in the Back to the Future film the DeLorean had to be specially made to read up to 95 MPH.
- MODファイル名
- ダウンロード
- BTTF_DMC12_Collection_v1.0.7z
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