アレクサンダーALX400 ボルボ B7TL | Alexander ALX400 – Volvo B7TL


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ボルボB7TL は、1999年に発売され、2軸バージョンのVolvo Olympianに取って代わった低床2階建てバス。


  • メーカー・車種
  • - - 
  • 型式
  • 全長×全幅×全高
  • ホイールベース
  • トレッド前/後
  • 車両タイプ
  • ■-
  • ディレクトリ名
  • bk_alx400


  • 種類
  • VOLVO 直列6気筒 OHV
  • エンジン型式
  • D7C 7.2L
  • 総排気量
  • 7146 cc
  • 過給機
  • シングルターボ
  • レブリミット
  • 2800rpm


  • 駆動方式
  • FR
  • トランスミッション
  • 6速
  • 最高出力 (馬力)
  • 308 whp (367 PS)
  • 最大トルク
  • 1050 Nm
  • 最高速度
  • 128 km/h
  • 加速性能
  • 車両重量
  • 11900 kg
  • パワーウェイトレシオ馬力重量
  • 38.64 kg/hp


  • Author(制作者)
  • brucektrain Aka Bruce .K

Released in 1997, it replaced the Alexander R-series and was fitted to numerous chassis, including the Dennis/TransBus Trident, the DAF/VDL DB250LF and the Volvo B7TL. It proved a big success with national operators; huge numbers serve London and the rest of the United Kingdom. From its introduction until 2006, it had been the favoured 2-axle double-decker bus model for the Stagecoach Group.
The ALX400 was also a big hit with Dublin Bus of Ireland, which ordered 658 between 2000 and 2006. 648 of them were fitted on Volvo B7TL chassis, AV 1-448 (AV means Alexander Volvo) were Volvo B7TL chassis, and AX 449-648 were on B7TL MKII chassis. During 2003 an order was placed for 10 TransBus Trident/ALX 400 versions known as DT 1-10 to compare against the AV class with a view to splitting future orders. Most of these featured 76 seat single door bodies although there were various seating capacities for on a small minority used and rail/airport services. Summerhill based AV 116-130 were built with dual door bodies for use on the Airlink services.
In late 2005 Alexander Dennis launched the Enviro400 model, intended as a replacement for the ALX400. But in 2006, new ALX400s were still entering service with Stagecoach (on Dennis Trident 2 chassis) and Arriva (on Volvo B7TL chassis). Despite the bulk of the 2006 Stagecoach double-decker bus order favouring the Enviro400 model, also chosen by London operator Metroline, in March 2006 Dublin Bus placed a repeat order for 100 of the type on Volvo B7TL chassis. Production of the ALX400 bodywork ceased after the delivery of these 100 ALX400-bodied Volvo B7TL in late 2006.
Arriva London's DLA1 (R101GNW), the first built ALX400 and London's first low floor double decker, is to be preserved by the London Transport Museum.


  • MODファイル名
  • ダウンロード
  • Alexander ALX400 – Volvo B7TL by Bruce Kelt aka. brucektrain for AC v1.16.3.7z
  • ダウンロード

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Posted by 突撃アセットコルサ