GALANT(ギャラン)VR-4 E39A | Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 E39A

2022年12月3日ギャラン (GALANT)・レグナム (LEGNUM)4WD・AWD

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三菱 GALANT(ギャラン)VR-4 E39A
三菱のミディアムクラスセダンセグメントを担うギャラン(GALANT)。5ナンバーサイズのスクエアボディに、2L DOHCターボエンジンを搭載する。VR-4グレードは2L DOHCエンジンを搭載し走行性能を高めたモデル。


  • メーカー・車種
  • Mitsubishi 三菱 ギャラン(GALANT) VR-4
  • 型式
  • E-E39A
  • 全長×全幅×全高
  • 4560×1695×1440mm
  • ホイールベース
  • 2600mm
  • トレッド前/後
  • 1460/1450mm
  • 車両タイプ
  • ■4ドア セダン 
  • ディレクトリ名
  • bk_mitsubishi_galant_vr4_e39a_1987_rhd


  • 種類
  • エンジン型式
  • 総排気量
  • cc
  • 過給機
  • シングルターボ
  • レブリミット
  • 7000rpm


  • 駆動方式
  • 4WD
  • トランスミッション
  • 5速
  • 最高出力 (馬力)
  • 202 whp (241 PS)
  • 最大トルク
  • 294 Nm
  • 最高速度
  • 230 km/h
  • 加速性能
  • 7.3 s 0–100
  • 車両重量
  • 1370 kg
  • パワーウェイトレシオ馬力重量
  • 6.78 kg/hp


  • Author(制作者)
  • brucektrain Aka Bruce .K

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) sought to improve its image through the established path of participation in motorsport. The Lancer 1600 GSR and Pajero/Montero/Shogun both achieved great success in rallying and Rally Raid events,[1][2] and eventually the company planned an attempt on the Group B class of the World Rally Championship with a four-wheel drive version of its Starion coupé. However, the class was outlawed following several fatal accidents in 1985 and '86, and Mitsubishi was forced to reassess its approach. It instead homologated the recently introduced sixth generation of its Galant sedan for the Group A class, using the mechanical underpinnings from its aborted Starion prototype. Between 1988 and '92, it was campaigned by the official factory outfit, Mitsubishi Ralliart Europe, winning three events in the hands of Mikael Ericsson (1989 1000 Lakes Rally),[3] Pentti Airikkala (1989 Lombard RAC Rally)[4] and Kenneth Eriksson (1991 Swedish Rally).[5] It was also driven to outright victory in the Asia-Pacific Rally Championships by Kenjiro Shinozuka (1988) and Ross Dunkerton (1991–92), and the American National GT Championship (1992) by Tim O'Neil.[6]

However, Mitsubishi — and their competitors — realised that the WRC cars of the '80s were simply too big and ungainly for the tight, winding roads of rally stages. Sometime around 1992, Ford migrated the Sierra/Sapphire Cosworth to a smaller Escort-based bodyshell; Subaru developed the Impreza to succeed their Legacy; Toyota eventually replaced the Celica coupe with the Corolla; and Korea's Hyundai migrated their front-wheel drive Coupe-based rally car to a smaller 3-door Accent hatchback-based bodyshell in 1999. Mitsubishi, meanwhile, carried the VR-4's engine/transmission over to the new Lancer Evolution, bringing to an end the Galant's representation in MMC's motorsport efforts.


  • MODファイル名
  • ダウンロード

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