トヨタ・AE85 LEVIN(カローラ・レビン)SR 武内 樹(たけうち いつき)| Itsuki Takeuchi’s Toyota Corolla Levin SR (AE85) ’84

2022年12月3日AE86 レビンkubus,FR,Mod紹介動画,頭文字D(イニシャルD)


頭文字D(イニシャルD):武内 樹(たけうち いつき)搭乗車

  • AE85 カローラレビン SR(1983年式 前期型)
  • ボディカラー…ホワイト(セガサターン「頭文字D」では赤)
  • 主な外装パーツ…GT-APEX用純正エアロダイナミックグリル、阿部商会製ホイール
  • ナンバー…群馬 56 へ 11-009 / 秋名50 せ 2-212(新劇場版)

武内 樹(たけうち いつき)

18歳、身長163 cm、体重55 kg、高校3年生(第一部)。好物はチーズケーキ(原作では台湾産のバナナ)。得意技は坂道発進。作中では「イツキ」とカタカナ表記されることが多い。感極まった時によく「くーーっ!」と奇声を上げる。


  • メーカー・車種
  • Toyota AE85 カローラ・レビン(LEVIN) 
  • 型式
  • AE85
  • 全長×全幅×全高
  • 4200×1625×1335mm
  • ホイールベース
  • 2400mm
  • トレッド前/後
  • 1355/1345mm
  • 車両タイプ
  • ■3ドア クーペ 
  • ディレクトリ名
  • kx_toyota_ae85_levin_initiald


  • 種類
  • Toyota 直列4気筒SOHC8バルブ
  • エンジン型式
  • 3A-U
  • 総排気量
  • 1452 cc
  • 過給機
  • NA(自然吸気)
  • レブリミット
  • 7500rpm


  • 駆動方式
  • FR
  • トランスミッション
  • 5速
  • 最高出力 (馬力)
  • 83 bhp (84 PS)
  • 最大トルク
  • 118 Nm
  • 最高速度
  • 0 km/h
  • 加速性能
  • — s 0–100
  • 車両重量
  • 885 kg
  • パワーウェイトレシオ馬力重量
  • 10.66kg/hp


Itsuki Takeuchi's Toyota AE85 Levin from Initial D
as always wheels are added by extension config, so they don't show in the showroom
Original Model –  Touge Workshop 
Edit –  kubus , Suchy
Skin – Ranpenzo
Handling –  kubus 
Interior Swap, Turn Lights – Suchy
Suspension –  kubus 
Interior, Wheels – CABT
License Plates –  Touge Workshop 
Description – Initial D Wiki
Inspired by Takumi Fujiwara's victories against Keisuke Takahashi and Takeshi Nakazato, Itsuki purchases himself a Levin. This car arrives five days after the battle with Takeshi, with Itsuki keeping it a secret until the day it arrives, to surprise his friends. After turning on the engine, Kenji and Iketani note that the car doesn't sound as it should. After popping the hood, Yuichi inspects the engine and comes to the conclusion that the Eight-Six Levin that Itsuki thought he owned is actually an Eight-Five. With this revelation, the other members of the SpeedStars burst out in laughter, expressing amazement that he even found an Eight-Five. This causes Itsuki to run away, with Takumi following to console him, explaining that he is actually envious of Itsuki for having a car of his own. In an effort to cheer him up, Takumi agrees to go up Mt. Akina with Itsuki that evening. The two are confronted by several members of the Myogi NightKids (members of Thunder Fire in the anime), who mock the Eight-Five before leaving. Takumi drives Itsuki's Eight-Five on Akina's downhill, outrunning the racers, which leaves Itsuki proud of his car, saying that any car can run decently with enough skill.

Exclusively in First Stage, Itsuki drove his Eight-Five on the double date with him and Saori, Takumi and Natsuki Mogi. Itsuki also used the Eight-Five for his other date with Saori, and ended up crashing his car when he was attacked by Shingo Shoji on the drive home. This caused him to never see Saori again, as well as meaning he wasnt present for the battle between Takumi and Shingo. In the manga however, Itsuki was on Mt. Akina with his Eight-Five when Shingo and Takumi started their battle. Later on, Takumi secretly swaps out his Eight-Six with the Eight-Five so that he can go and race Impact Blue on Usui Pass, shocking Bunta. During a drive on Akina, where Itsuki was trying to improve his skills with Takumi as a passenger, Itsuki is passed by Seiji Iwaki's Evo IV, which had previously been seen during Takumi's battle with Kenta Nakamura (although the Evo was not present in the events of First Stage).

After Takumi's defeat against Kyoichi Sudo, Itsuki chooses against attending the race between Kyoichi and Ryosuke Takahashi to instead go up to Akina in his Eight-Five with Takumi, attempting to console him because of the loss of his car and engine. Soon after, Itsuki meets Kazumi Akiyama, the sister of Wataru Akiyama, the driver of an Eight-Six Levin. Itsuki admires Wataru and his turbo Levin, and puts him in contact with Takumi when he is searching for Gunma's undefeated Eight-Six. Itsuki and Kazumi spend a night up on the mountain, with the two of them sleeping in the Eight-Five, because of a bad experience with a customer at her job. Because she had spent the night away from her job, she is forced to go back to Saitama. Itsuki drives Kazumi to the train station in his Levin, with them parting ways. During the winter, Itsuki puts studded tires on his car, enabling his car to have more grip on the snowy roads. Him and Iketani go up to Akina one evening, where Itsuki practices drifting in the snow.


  • MODファイル名
  • ダウンロード


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