CR-X デルソル(Del Sol)| #Honda CR-X Del Sol Track
ホンダ CR-X デルソル SiR
- メーカー・車種
- Honda ホンダ CR-X デルソル SiR
- 型式
- E-EG1
- 全長×全幅×全高
- 3995×1695×1255mm
- ホイールベース
- 2370mm
- トレッド前/後
- 1475/1465mm
- 車両タイプ
- ■5ドア ハッチバック
- ディレクトリ名
- tnt_hv_honda_crx_del_sol
- 種類
- Honda 水冷直列4気筒DOHC16バルブ VTEC
- エンジン型式
- B16A
- 総排気量
- 1595 cc
- 過給機
- NA(自然吸気)
- レブリミット
- 9500rpm
- 駆動方式
- FF
- トランスミッション
- 5速
- 最高出力 (馬力)
- 240 bhp (243 PS)
- 最大トルク
- 192 Nm
- 最高速度
- 222 km/h
- 加速性能
- 7.1s 0-100
- 車両重量
- 900 kg
- パワーウェイトレシオ馬力重量
- 3.75 kg/hp
- Author(制作者)
- Top Notch Tuning
The Honda Civic del Sol was a 2-seater front-engined, front wheel drive, targa top car manufactured by Honda in the 1990s. Based on the Honda Civic platform, the del Sol was the successor to the popular Honda CR-X. It debuted in 1992 in Japan and the United Kingdom, and 1993 in the United States. The Spanish name del Sol translates to of the sun or from the sun, and refers to the car's opening roof. It was not a full convertible, featuring a removable hardtop that stowed in the trunk and a retractable rear window for a convertible feel known as targa top. Trunk space was reduced from 9.5 cubic feet to 6.5 cubic feet while the targa top was stowed. In many markets the CR-X naming convention was dropped from the del Sol line as it was distinctly different from earlier models, which were hatchbacks and not targas. Starting with the 1995 models, Honda dropped then Civic name from the del Sol in the Americas. In Europe, the del Sol tag was dropped in 1995, and the car was known as the new CR-X. Production and sales ended with the 1997 model in the U.S. and 1998 elsewhere, with a total of slightly fewer than 75,000 vehicles sold in America
- MODファイル名
- ダウンロード
- Honda_Pack_21Cars_Track.rar
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