シティ(CITY)ターボII | Honda City Turbo II
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ホンダ シティ ターボ II
初代登場当時の主力小型車であるシビックよりも更に小さいコンパクトカーとして開発され、初代は「トールボーイ」と呼ばれる斬新なデザインが話題を呼び、一大ブームを巻き起こした。搭載されたエンジンは、COMBAX(COMPACT BLAZING-COMBUSTION AXIOM:高密度速炎燃焼原理)エンジンと名付けられた1.2Lの「ER型」のみ。同時に商用バンとしてシティプロも発売された。
- メーカー・車種
- Honda ホンダ シティ(CITY)
- 型式
- ER
- 全長×全幅×全高
- 3420×1625×1470mm
- ホイールベース
- 2220mm
- トレッド前/後
- 1400/1390mm
- 車両タイプ
- ■3ドア ハッチバック
- ディレクトリ名
- honda_city_turbo_ii_m
- 種類
- CVCC・水冷直列4気筒横置OHC
- エンジン型式
- ER
- 総排気量
- 1231 cc
- 過給機
- シングルターボ
- レブリミット
- 6800rpm
- 駆動方式
- FF
- トランスミッション
- 5速
- 最高出力 (馬力)
- 108 bhp (109 PS)
- 最大トルク
- 121 Nm
- 最高速度
- 0 km/h
- 加速性能
- ??s 0-100
- 車両重量
- 735 kg
- パワーウェイトレシオ馬力重量
- 6.87 kg/hp
- Author(制作者)
- TonySSS, Lu Thua Ken, Dragster666, SON & Kuba LB
Launched in November 1981, the City was Honda's compact car with it's own unique personality. In a revolutionary style called the "tall boy concept", its appeal was its large interior space, nonexistent in other cars of the time. It was the embodiment of the MM (Maximum Man, Minimum Mechanics) philosophy of Honda, and the model enjoyed huge success.
The newly designed body featured a length of 133.0 inches, a width of 61.8 inches and a height of 57.8 inches (E, R, etc). In the high roofed model called the Manhattan Roof, added another 100mm in height. The length of approximately 11.1 ft was similar to the lightweight K-car class, but the City had very good interior quality packaging and it was possible to comfortably seat 5 adults. The efficient interior space owed much to the compact design of the engine and the front and rear strut suspensions. With its charming front mask with round headlights, the City's appearance had a unique presence.
The 1.2L straight-4 SOHC engine was also a new design. It was rare for Honda at that time, but this car focused on low-speed torque with its long stroke. Engine power was nothing special at 66 BHP, but considering its city fuel economy of 5.4 l/100km, this was more than decent.
Supported by its popularity, numerous variations of the City were created. The City Turbo producing 99 BHP was announced in September 1982, and in November 1983, the City Turbo II had its performance increased to 108 BHP thanks to an intercooler. In 1984 a cabriolet version was also released. As a compact car with overwhelming performance, the City Turbo II received enthusiastic support from younger drivers.
- MODファイル名
- ダウンロード
- Honda_City_Turbo_II.zip
- ダウンロード
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